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When first I saw the thumbnail of the game, I honestly thinking what Rhythm game could be done with those thumbnail image. 

Pardon my explanation and my English practically.

Well, this game is about dodging obstacle on a tempo given. The green cube should move to a "safe" area where there'll be no obstacle on it. Player simply moving the cube using "WASD" and arrow keys. Each point we gain leads to more less safe area.

But, there's so many lack of game designing like how could make player stay playing it (like make the tempo more faster each point we gain or the area bigger, I don't know.)

The game is fun, but for me personally its quite hard easy. But, yeah considered this game done by 48 hours by only a developer I accepted it.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I am myself not good with english. So, yeah pardon me england

Actually, first time when i design this game. There will be 3 levels. Each with unique character level and music.
This level that got published is designed to be a tutorial level and yes it was designed to be easy, so the player could understand the basic concept of the game.

And there is some mechanic that been removed due to time limit. So in the end, i remove some mechanic and the rest of the level. Then i decided to make this first level to be an endless level with a score.

I don't know if i will continue to develop this game, but there is big chance i will.

And yeah, thanks for the input, i really appreciate it. If you don't mind can i put your explanation for my game in this page?

This level that got published is designed to be a tutorial level and yes it was designed to be easy, so the player could understand the basic concept of the game.

Owh, okay. This explained the easy part.

Actually, first time when i design this game. There will be 3 levels. Each with unique character level and music.

Well, thats definitely a good idea actually. Will be good if adding a lot variety of melody too

And there is some mechanic that been removed due to time limit. So in the end, i remove some mechanic and the rest of the level.

Thats the beauty of jamming isn't it? Fighting the time limit yet must creating something satisfying haha

And yeah, thanks for the input, i really appreciate it. If you don't mind can i put your explanation for my game in this page?

Sure, no problem. It was a pleasure to helping